Simple powerpoint with different color. This is simple powerpoint using only different color as change animation into another slide. There are no attractive animation but its is very elegant, seem it's very useful for you that need a professional powerpoint with simple animation.
This consep have title on the top, content on the right side and also sidebar as a category of content. I always use categories sidebar as a guide for people can catch the hole story about what i will show. Like a book, it always have table of content so people can easy to understand all story in the book, and i application that concept into powerpoint.
How to make simple powerpoint like this? it's easy, i only use rectangular shape and use wipe animation. You can learn from this powerpoint below, just download and break it down, lear by your self.
Some information in this powerpoint is very crucial, so i delete the information in this content. But i think you still can be understand the concept of this simple powerpoint.
simple powerpoint with different color
Title : Simple Powerpoint With Different Color
Description : Simple powerpoint with different color . This is simple powerpoint using only different color as change animation into another slide. There ...