Hai, welcome to my personal web.
My name riza,
actually i am from indonesia so my english isn't so good, but that is
not my reason to study english. I decide to make this web so i can learn
how to improve my english, especially in writing. Really appreciate
that you would give me correction if i made a mistake, because my
grammar still bad.
I love powerpoint very much, so i
think this is the best way to push my self to write that i know, i hope
that can be useful to you. beside that you should can catch the meaning
of my tutorial in this web, because i use only a little vocabulary that i
All contained in this blog base of my
experience, some times i also searching for tips and trik, but i try to
my self first become i write in this web. some file, like template is
not original from me. but i also cannot say the source because i forget
where i get that file, hehehe (laugh mode on). i just upload from my
computer, i published so you can use that.
You can give me a feedback by complete contact me form, or you can call me at skype (my id is drieant) so i can practice my language.
Thanks for visit my site,
thanks if you can be my friend.