Create Hyperlink On powerpoint can help you manage a who slide that would you like show, although your slide not well organized. by click on it will show slide that you want, but you need to make hyperlink first on your slide. How to create hyperlink, i will show you.
1. Open you powerpoint
2. Choose you file
3. Click on the insert menu bar, and choose hyperlink
After do that, you can't see what is the different. just open in slideshow on menu bar, you will know the cursor will change into a hand, if you click, it will direct you into the file that you submit on hyperlink. with this hyperlink you can also submit file not only in the slide, but also other file. This video will show you how to do it
I hope you understand, to make you more understand, i give you a sample powerpoint with hyperlink (klik in
here) so you can study it how to
create hyperlink on powerpoint
Title : Create Hyperlink On Powerpoint
Description : Create Hyperlink On powerpoint can help you manage a who slide that would you like show, although your slide not well organized. by click on...